KHUJAND, 15.12.2016
Yesterday, in Khujand city of Sughd province, German Red Cross hold a final meeting of its three-year crossborder
DRR project (2013-2016) which was implemented across transboundary areas of Kyrgyzstan (Batken)
and Tajikistan (Sughd). The meeting was attended by Mr. Ikrom Soliev, Head Office of the German Red Cross
in Central Asia, Mr. Rustam Aleev, General Director of the National Red Crescent society of Kyrgyzstan (RCSK),
Mr. Bahodur Kurboniyon, Secretary General of the Red Crescent Society of Tajikistan (RCST), as well as
representatives of CoES RT, MoES KR and representatives of the international partners/members of REACT:
GIZ, ICRC and Helvetas. The heads of primary organizations of RCSK and RCST, as well as the representatives
of project target communities also attended the meeting.
This meeting session was the final event of the three-year cross-border project on disaster risk reduction,
funded by the German Federal Ministry for Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the German Red Cross
(GRC), which began back in September 2013, and will end by end of December 2016. The main purpose of
this meeting was to discuss the positive results and achievements of the project, as well as to analyze lessons
learned during project implementation, in order to promote measures to improve implementation of similar
projects in future by National Red Crescent Societies of the two countries.
During the meeting, an official procedure of signing the Memorandum on mutual assistance between the
Red Crescent Society of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan was held, as well as the leaders of the two organizations
signed a Contingency plan on disaster response during transboundary emergencies.
In this way, the three-year (2013-2016) cross-border DRR project, funded by BMZ and GRC has successfully
come to its end, meeting the set goals and objectives to achieve a higher level of disaster preparedness by
building the capacities of cross-border communities, improving coordination and cooperation mechanisms
between the National Societies of Red Crescent and government agencies, as well as by overall improving of
cross-border cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.
For more information, please contact: Parviz Mahmudov,
Regional Program Manager, GRC

Весенняя посадка саженцев в водно-болотных угодьях Канибадама
На прошлой неделе прошла весенняя посадка саженцев в водно-болотных угодьях Канибадама, расположенных в верховьях Кайраккумского водохранилища! “Общество охотников и рыболовов”, совместно с местными жителями, посадили